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Dystonies cervico-faciales chez le joueurs professionnels d'instruments à vent. [Cervicofacial Dystonias in Professional Wind Instrument Players.]


Copyright 2025, Mark Alan Wade

Primary Author: Marion, M.
Journal Title: Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques
Date Published: Mar-99
Language: French
Category: Nervous Disorders
Key Words: musician cervicofacial dystonia professional wind instrument performance
Full Citation: Marion, Marie-Hélène, I. Plougodon, et al. Dystonies cervico-faciales chez le joueurs professionnels d'instruments à vent. [Cervicofacial Dystonias in Professional Wind Instrument Players.] Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques (Montauban, France) no. 27 (March 1999): 11-13.
Full Abstract: Presents seven cases of cervicofacial dystonia in professional wind instrumentalists (four saxophonists, a horn player, a trombonist--all male--and a female flutist). Their mean age was 34 and their symptoms had begun two to four years earlier. The saxophonists presented oromandibular dystonia with different levels of muscular impairment. The horn player suffered from laryngeal dystonia resulting from neuroleptic treatment. The trombonist and the flutist had focal dystonia of the face. After being treated with botulinum toxin injections, all experienced nearly full symptomatic relief and all resumed playing, but only one (the hornist) was able to resume his professional career. Avoidance of sudden changes in technique and overly intensive playing are suggested as preventive measures, along with early treatment of neurmosucular malfunctions.