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Electrophysiological Examination of Labial Function in College-Age Trumpet Performers


Copyright 2025, Mark Alan Wade

Primary Author: Briggs, G.
Journal Title: PhD Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
Date Published: 1968
Language: English
Category: Anatomical, Physiological & Historical Research
Key Words: electrophysiological labial function college trumpet performance
Full Citation: Briggs, Guy Vinton. Electrophysiological Examination of Labial Function in College-Age Trumpet Performers. PhD diss., University of Oklahoma, 1968.
Full Abstract: Physiologically, when the mouthpiece is placed against the lips and a hermetic seal is formed, pressure from the rim causes ischemia, with resultant passive hyperemia due in part to the Di Palma effect. Initial blowing of the instrument appears to induce vasodilation which accounts for the passive hyperemia, and as blowing continues hypoxia causes various metabolic changes that result in labial deformation and a loss of sensitivity. Finally, and perhaps the most interesting finding in the present investigation was that of the apparent divisions within the trumpet performer group. Three of the nine subjects recorded an arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation level of below normal. No doubt the players rate as the finest trumpet performers in the undergraduate music program at the University of Oklahoma. Objectively, on the range and endurance scale in this study, these players ranked at the top. As evidenced by this study, with only a small sample, strength may not be a prime asset for offering a resistance to the external forces of the mouthpiece. It is entirely possible that some metabolic factor may be of greater significance than ever before conceived.