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Schmerzen beim Musizieren. [Feeling Pain While Playing a Musical Instrument.]


Copyright 2025, Mark Alan Wade

Primary Author: Diethelm, U.
Journal Title: Brass Bulletin
Date Published: 2002
Language: German
Category: Overuse Syndrome and Musculoskeletal Injuries
Key Words: medical pain injury overuse musician instrument
Full Citation: Diethelm, Urban. Schmerzen beim Musizieren. [Feeling Pain While Playing a Musical Instrument.] Part 1. Brass Bulletin 119 (2002): 96-8.
Full Abstract: If pain is caused by playing a musical instrument, the cause may be overuse syndrome. Overuse occurs when normal actions put the body under more stress than biological tolerance allows. The degree to which this affects individuals is dependant upon several factors, including: age, gender, constitution, condition, musical training and experience, as well as events and musical experiences in the musician's life. Musicians should avoid jumping to conclusions when pain is felt. A common mis-self-diagnosis is tendonitis. This term is used broadly when musicians describe their own pain; however, a physician should be able to more accurately diagnose the ailment. For instance, painful inflammation of the tendon sheath is called tenosynovitis, while painful inflammation of the tendon itself is specifically called tendonitis. Such pain is not always a result of mechanical strain and may be early signs of general musculoskeletal disorders, such as arthritis. Between 1981 and 1994, the Chicago hand surgeon, Dawson, treated 1,354 instrumentalists, only 147 of whom developed their overuse syndrome while playing their musical instrument. The key here is to carefully observe what one does in a normal day apart from playing music.