Please choose an article from the list.
Anxiety as an Aggravating Factor during Onset of Focal Dystonia in Musicians
(Jun-04) Medical Problems of Performing Artists
Current Controversies on the Origin, Diagnosis and Management of Focal Dystonia
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician
Dental Clinic for Wind Players: Causes and Cures of Sudden vs. Gradual Embouchure and Playing Problems Due to Neuropathy
(1996) Brass Bulletin
Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Correction and Treatment of Irregularities of the Front Teeth
(1997) Brass Bulletin
Incidence of Signs and Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder in Trumpet and Clarinet Players
(1996) MA Thesis, Chapman University
Medizinische Probleme bei Instrumentalisten: Ursache und Prävention. [Medical Problems of Instrumentalists: Causes and Prevention.]
(1995) Das Orchester: Zeitschrift für Orchesterkultur und Rundfunk-Chorwesen