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Articles with the "orchestra" keyword


Copyright 2025, Mark Alan Wade

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Berufsspezifische Erkrankungen bei Musikern. [Job-Related Illnesses in Musicians.]
(2000) Das Orchester - Zeitschrift für Orchesterkultur und Rundfunk-Chorwesen

Caution: Music can be hazardous to your health
(2000) Update: Applications of Research in Music Education

Effects of Instrument Type and Orchestral Position on Hearing Sensitivity for 0.25 to 20 kHz in the Orchestral Musician
(1985) Scandanavian Audiology

Employment and Acceptance of Hearing Protectors in Classical Symphony and Opera Orchestras
(Jan-08) Noise Health

Health and Occupational Correlates of Perceived Occupational Stress in Symphony Orchestra Musicians
(Sep-88) Journal of Occupational Medicine

Hearing Ability in Danish Symphony Orchestra Musicians
(1999) Noise Health

Hearing Assessment of Classical Orchestral Musicians
(2001) Scandanavian Audiology

Hearing Impairment in Orchestral Musicians
(1989) Scandanavian Audiology

Hearing in Classical Musicians
(1981) Acta Otolaryngologica

Is the Audiologic Status of Professional Musicians a Reflection of the Noise Exposure in Classical Orchestral Music?
(22-Nov-07) European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngoly

Noise and the Classical Musician
(Dec-92) British Medical Journal

Noise-induced Hearing Loss and Orchestral Musicians
(Dec-81) Archives of Otolaryngology

Noise-induced Hearing Loss and Symphony Orchestra Musicians: Risk Factors, Effects, and Management
(Jan-98) Maryland Medical Journal

Olivocochlear Efferent Suppression in Classical Musicians
(Aug-03) Journal of the American Academy of Audiology

Orchestral Injury Prevention Intervention Study
(Mar-97) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Pathologies chez les musiciens d'orchestre: Enquête dans la région Rhône-Alpes. [Disorders in Orchestral Musicians: Survey in the Rhône-Alpes Region.]
(Sep-96) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Sound Levels Recorded within the Symphony Orchestra and Risk Criteria for Hearing Loss
(1983) Scandanavian Audiology