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Articles with the "performance" keyword


Copyright 2025, Mark Alan Wade

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A Comprehensive Performance Project in Horn Literature with an Essay Consisting of the Effects of Inspiratory Conditions on the Vital Capacity of Brass Players
(1988) DMA Dissertation, University of Iowa

A New Method for Quantification of Musician's Dystonia: The Frequency of Abnormal Movements Scale
(Dec-05) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

A Nickel-free Horn
(Feb-05) The Horn Call

AAEM Minimonograph #43: Neuromuscular Problems in the Performing Arts
(Jun-94) Muscle & Nerve

Ageing and Dental Problems of Brass Players
(1998) Brass Bulletin

An Investigation of Heart Response during Trumpet Playing
(1993) PhD Dissertation, University of North Texas

An Investigation of the Laryngeal Activity of Trumpet Players during the Performance of Selected Exercises
(1989) PhD Dissertation, University of North Texas

Assessing the Instrumentalist Interface: Modifications, Ergonomics and Maintenance of Play
(Nov-06) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America

Bilateral Laryngoceles in a Young Trumpet Player: Case Report
(Apr-00) Ear Nose Throat Journal

Blowing Pressure, Power, and Spectrum in Trumpet Playing
(Feb-99) The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Brace Yourself!
(Sep-93) ITG Journal

Breathing Difficulties in Wind Instrument Players
(Jan-98) Maryland Medical Journal

Can Surgery Improve Trumpet Playing?
(Autumn 1978) NACWPI Journal

Cardiovascular Effects of French Horn Playing
(30-Nov-96) Lancet

Case of Occupational Paralysis of the Facial Muscles in a Trumpet Player
(Nov-84) Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniia

Cerebrovascular Ischemic Events in Wind Instrument Players
(Sep-00) Neurology

Cheilitis Due to Nickel Contact Allergy in a Trumpet Player
(Jun-00) Contact Dermititis

Circulatory Effects of Trumpet Playing
(14-Mar-59) British Medical Journal

Correspondence: Repair of the Orbicularis Oris in Horn Players
(Dec-88) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: Causes and Cures of Sudden vs. Gradual Embouchure and Playing Problems Due to Neuropathy
(1996) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Correction and Treatment of Irregularities of the Front Teeth
(1997) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Effect of Overbrushing Teeth for Wind Players
(1997) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Effects of Disorders of the Side Teeth on Brass Playing
(1997) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: Tips for Teachers in Examining for Dental Problems
(1999) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinical for Wind Players: Halitosis, or Bad Breath, May Be an Indication of Physical Problems that Should Be of Concern to a Wind Player
(1999) Brass Bulletin

Dermatologic Problems of Musicians
(Apr-90) Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

Dystonies cervico-faciales chez le joueurs professionnels d'instruments à vent. [Cervicofacial Dystonias in Professional Wind Instrument Players.]
(Mar-99) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Effect of Wind Instrument Playing on Intraocular Pressure
(Aug-00) Journal of Glaucoma

Electromyography of Lip Muscles and Their Role in Trumpet Playing
(Dec-73) Journal of Applied Physiology

Electrophysiological Examination of Labial Function in College-Age Trumpet Performers
(1968) PhD Dissertation, University of Oklahoma

Embouchure Dystonia: An Under-recognized Cause of Performance Impairment in Brass Players
(1999) The Horn Call

Embouchure Problems in Brass Instrumentalists
(Jun-03) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Embouchure Rehabilitation: A Comprehensive Method for Overcoming Embouchure Overuse Syndrome in Brass Players

Enquête épidémiologique auprès de 220 instrumentistes [Epidemiological Survey of 220 Student Musicians]
(Sep-99) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Epidemiology of the Medical Problems of Performing Artists
(1991) Chap. 2 in Textbook of Performing Arts Medicine

Evolutionary Algorithm for Generation of Air Pressure and Lip Pressure Parameters for Automated Performance of Brass Instruments
(2006) PhD Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University

Fit as a Fiddle: the Musician's Guide to Playing Healthy

Further Experience with Rupture of the Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players
(May-92) ITG Journal

Further Experience with Rupture of the Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players
(Jun-88) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Head and Neck Lesions Commonly Found in Musicians
(Nov-94) Journal of the American Dental Association

Health and Occupational Correlates of Perceived Occupational Stress in Symphony Orchestra Musicians
(Sep-88) Journal of Occupational Medicine

Hearing Loss in Musicians
(Mar-91) American Journal of Otology

Heart Rate and Rhythm Responses during Trumpet Playing
(Sep-94) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Horn Playing and Blood Pressure
(12-Oct-96) Lancet

Hypopharyngeal Pressures in Brass Musicians
(Dec-03) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Identification of Risk Factors for Musicians in Catalonia [Spain]
(Dec-00) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Incidence of Tinnitus, Impaired Hearing and Musculoskeletal Disorders among Students Enrolled in Academic Music Education - a Retrospective Cohort Study
(Aug-05) International Archive of Occupational and Envionmental Health

Increased Intraocular Pressure and Visual Field Defects in High Resistance Wind Instrument Players
(Jan-00) Ophthalmology

Instrument-specific Rates of Upper-Extremity Injuries in Music Students
(Mar-98) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Instrumental Musicians' Hazards
(October-December, 2001) Occupational Medicine

Let's Fix It before It Breaks: A Career Almost Destroyed (Dental Work)
(May-92) ITG Journal

Letters to the Editor: Author's Reply to High resistance Wind Instruments and IOP
(Apr-01) Ophthalmology

Letters to the Editor: Bilateral Laryngoceles in a Young Trumpet Player: Case Report
(Mar-01) Ear Nose Throat Journal

Letters to the Editor: High-resistance Wind Instruments and IOP
(Apr-01) Ophthalmology

Letters: French Horn Affairs
(Feb-74) JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association

Letters: Periodontal Disease among Brass Players
(1988) Brass Bulletin

Letters: Reply to Michael Koller, Austria. Inflated Neck
(1988) Brass Bulletin

Long-Term Outcome of Focal Dystonia in Instrumental Musicians
(2004) Advances in Neurology, Dystonia 4

Measurement of Tooth Displacements and Mouthpiece Forces during Brass Instrument Playing
(Dec-95) Medical Engineering & Physics

Medical Corner (Toxicity in Brass for Brass Playing Musicians)
(1996) ITA Journal

Medical Problems of Trumpeters
(May-03) International Trumpet Guild

Medical Problems of Wind Players: A Musician's Perspective
(1986) Cleveland Clinic Quarterly

Mesures des forces exercées sur l'embouchure et des déplacements dentaires dans la pratique des cuivres [Measurement of Mouthpiece Forces and Tooth Displacements During Brass Instrument Playing.]
(Dec-00) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Mesures des forces exercées sur l'embouchure et des déplacements dentaires dans la pratique des cuivres [Measurement of Mouthpiece Forces and Tooth Displacements during Brass Instrument Playing]
(Dec-00) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Mounting of anterior teeth in a special type of edentulous patient: the trumpet player
(Jan-79) Cahiers d'odonto-stomatologie

Mouthpiece Forces Produced While Playing the Trumpet
(1988) Journal of Biomechanics

Musculoskeletal Problems of Performing Artists
(Mar-95) Current Opinion in Rheumatology

Musician Health and Safety: Preventing Playing-related Musculoskeletal Disorders
(Jul-06) AAOHN Journal: Official Journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses

Musician's Focal Dystonia
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician

Musicians with Focal Dystonia: A Report of 58 Cases Seen during a Ten-year Period at a Performing Arts Medicine Clinic
(Dec-95) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

New Tools for the Assessment of the Embouchure's Biomechanics
(Mar-05) ITG Journal

Not Music to the Ear
(Apr-96) Industry Week

Occurrence of Parodontopathy in Musicians Playing Wind Instruments
(1977) Czasopismo stomatologiozne

Orbicularis Oris Muscle Injury in Brass Players
(Jun-96) Laryngoscope

Orchestral Injury Prevention Intervention Study
(Mar-97) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Overuse Syndrome in Musicians 100 Years Ago: An Historical Review
(Dec-86) Medical Journal of Australia

Performing Arts Medicine
(Jan-94) The Western Journal of Medicine

Performing Arts Medicine: The Musical Athlete
(Feb-93) Journal of Sports and Physical Therapy

Pharyngocèle bilatérale chez un joueur d'instrument à vent. [Bilateral Pharyngocele in a Wind Instrument Player.]
(Sep-04) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Postural Kinematics of Trumpet Playing
(1989) Journal of Biomechanics

Pressions de l'embouchure sur les levres des trompettistes en fonction de leur technique instrumentale. [The Impact of Embouchure on the Lips of Trumpet Players and How This Relates to Their Instrumental Technique.]
(Jun-94) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Prolonged Rehabilitation Treatment of Musician's Focal Dystonia
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician

Quantitative Untersuchung zur Beurteilung funktioneller Parameter beim Trompetenspiel [Quantitative Analysis on the Assessment of Functional Parameters of Trumpet Playing]
(1997) PhD Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität

Repair of Ruptured Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players
(Mar-89) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Review of 113 Musicians with Focal Dystonia Seen Between 1985 and 2002 at a Clinic for Performing Artists
(2004) Advances in Neurology, Dystonia 4

Rupture of the Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players [Satchmo's Syndrome]
(Dec-82) ITG Journal

Some Embouchure Problems of Horn Players: Overuse Injury and Focal Embouchure Dystonia
(Feb-04) The Horn Call

Some Physiological Observations on French Horn Musicians
(Nov-75) Journal of Occupational Medicine

Specific Orofacial Problems Experienced by Musicians
(Mar-02) Australian Dental Journal

Spontaneous Cervicothoracic Epidural Hematoma Following Prolonged Valsalva Secondary to Trumpet Playing
(Jan-97) American Journal of Emergency Medicine

TMJ - What a Joint!
(Sep-97) ITG Journal

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders, Facial Pain, and Dental Problems in Performing Artists
(1998) Performing Arts Medicine

The Perils of Trumpeting
(Feb-03) Minnesota Medicine

The Science versus the Art of Medicine in Considering Musicians' Injuries
(Spring 1997) American String Teacher

The Treatment of Overuse Syndrome in Musicians
(Oct-88) Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

The Way to High D
(Feb-73) Lancet

To Your Health: The Eyes Have It
(Aug-04) International Musician

Treating the Pain of Playing Musical Instruments
(2004) The Double Reed

Trumpet Pedagogy: A Compendium of Modern Teaching Techniques

Trumpet Player's Neuropathy
(Mar-87) JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association

Trumpet Players Risk Stroke
(2000) BBC News

Trumpet Playing and Dentistry: A Historical Perspective
(Jun-05) ITG Journal

Une enquete sur la pathologie des instrumentistes a vent professionnels: Comparaison des cuivres et des bois. [A Comparative Investigation of the Medical Problems of Professional Woodwind and Brass Players.]
(Jun-94) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Une enquête sur la pathologie des instrumentistes à vent professionnels: Comparaison des cuivres et des bois [A Comparative Investigation of the Medical Problems of Professional Woodwind and Brass Players]
(Jun-94) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Velopharyngeal Incompetence Manifested Initially in Playing a Musical Instrument
(1990) Journal of Voice

Vision Problems
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician

Wandering Atrial Pacemaker (Prevalence in French Hornists)
(1976) Journal Electrocardiology

When to Stop the Music
(1-Dec-95) Harefuah

Why Fix It If It Isn't Broken (Trumpeter's Career Ruined by Inappropriate Treatment of Dental Condition)
(May-02) International Musician

Wie Frontzähne von Bläsern sich bewegen: Untersuchung der Frontzähne-Belastung und -Bewegung beim Musizieren mit Blechblasinstrumenten. [How the Front Teeth of Wind Players Move: An Investigation of the Pressure on Front Teeth and Their Movement during th
(1995) Das Orchester: Zeitschrift für Orchesterkultur und Rundfunk-Chorwesen

World News: Danger, Medical Journal Reports that Brass Players Who Play in Upper Register Under Strong Pressure Run Risk of Causing Glaucoma
(1996) Brass Bulletin

À propos d'un cas de pneumothorax spontane chez un jeune trompettiste. [Concerning a Case of a Spontaneous Pneumothorax in a Young Trumpeter.]
(Sep-98) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques