Please choose an article from the list.
An Investigation of Heart Response during Trumpet Playing
(1993) PhD Dissertation, University of North Texas
An Investigation of the Laryngeal Activity of Trumpet Players during the Performance of Selected Exercises
(1989) PhD Dissertation, University of North Texas
Bilateral Laryngoceles in a Young Trumpet Player: Case Report
(Apr-00) Ear Nose Throat Journal
Blowing Pressure, Power, and Spectrum in Trumpet Playing
(Feb-99) The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Can Surgery Improve Trumpet Playing?
(Autumn 1978) NACWPI Journal
Case of Occupational Paralysis of the Facial Muscles in a Trumpet Player
(Nov-84) Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniia
Cheilitis Due to Nickel Contact Allergy in a Trumpet Player
(Jun-00) Contact Dermititis
Circulatory Effects of Trumpet Playing
(14-Mar-59) British Medical Journal
Dental Implants and Their Significance to the Brass Player: Part II
(Oct-05) ITG Journal
Dental Study of a Professional Trumpet Player
(Aug-59) Journal of the American Dental Association
Dystonia: A Trumpeter's Story
(Mar-02) ITG Journal
Electromyography of Lip Muscles and Their Role in Trumpet Playing
(Dec-73) Journal of Applied Physiology
Electrophysiological Examination of Labial Function in College-Age Trumpet Performers
(1968) PhD Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
Further Experience with Rupture of the Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players
(May-92) ITG Journal
Further Experience with Rupture of the Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players
(Jun-88) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Heart Rate and Rhythm Responses during Trumpet Playing
(Sep-94) Medical Problems of Performing Artists
Incidence of Signs and Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder in Trumpet and Clarinet Players
(1996) MA Thesis, Chapman University
Let's Fix It before It Breaks: A Career Almost Destroyed (Dental Work)
(May-92) ITG Journal
Letters to the Editor: Bilateral Laryngoceles in a Young Trumpet Player: Case Report
(Mar-01) Ear Nose Throat Journal
Medical Problems of Brass Instrumentalists: Prevalence Rates for Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, and Low Brass
(2002) Medical Problems of Performing Artists
Medical Problems of Trumpeters
(May-03) International Trumpet Guild
Mounting of anterior teeth in a special type of edentulous patient: the trumpet player
(Jan-79) Cahiers d'odonto-stomatologie
Mouthpiece Forces Produced While Playing the Trumpet
(1988) Journal of Biomechanics
Nickel Allergy in Trumpet Player
(Apr-99) Contact Dermititis
Postural Kinematics of Trumpet Playing
(1989) Journal of Biomechanics
Pressions de l'embouchure sur les levres des trompettistes en fonction de leur technique instrumentale. [The Impact of Embouchure on the Lips of Trumpet Players and How This Relates to Their Instrumental Technique.]
(Jun-94) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques
Quantitative Untersuchung zur Beurteilung funktioneller Parameter beim Trompetenspiel [Quantitative Analysis on the Assessment of Functional Parameters of Trumpet Playing]
(1997) PhD Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Repair of Ruptured Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players
(Mar-89) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Rupture of the Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players [Satchmo's Syndrome]
(Dec-82) ITG Journal
Spontaneous Cervicothoracic Epidural Hematoma Following Prolonged Valsalva Secondary to Trumpet Playing
(Jan-97) American Journal of Emergency Medicine
Stress Velopharyngeal Incompetence in an Adolescent Trumpet Player
(1995) Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology
TMJ - What a Joint!
(Sep-97) ITG Journal
The Incompetent Palate: A Trumpeting Disaster
(1997) ITG Journal
The Perils of Trumpeting
(Feb-03) Minnesota Medicine
The Way to High D
(Feb-73) Lancet
Transient Ischemic Attacks Caused by Trumpet Playing
(Dec-98) Neurology
Trumpet Pedagogy: A Compendium of Modern Teaching Techniques
Trumpet Player's Neuropathy
(Mar-87) JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association
Trumpet Players Risk Stroke
(2000) BBC News
Trumpet Playing and Dentistry: A Historical Perspective
(Jun-05) ITG Journal
Why Fix It If It Isn't Broken (Trumpeter's Career Ruined by Inappropriate Treatment of Dental Condition)
(May-02) International Musician
À propos d'un cas de pneumothorax spontane chez un jeune trompettiste. [Concerning a Case of a Spontaneous Pneumothorax in a Young Trumpeter.]
(Sep-98) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques