
Saturday, February 22, 2025

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Articles with the "woodwind" keyword


Copyright 2025, Mark Alan Wade

Please choose an article from the list.

Always Blow Your Own Trumpet! Potential Cross-infection Hazards through Salivary and Respiratory Secretions in the Sharing of Brass and Woodwind Musical Instruments during Music Therapy Sessions
(Mar-04) Journal of Hospital Infections

Holz - und Blechblasinstrumente [Woodwind and Brass Instruments]
(1995) Medizinische Probleme bei Musikern [Medical Problems of Musicians]

Une enquete sur la pathologie des instrumentistes a vent professionnels: Comparaison des cuivres et des bois. [A Comparative Investigation of the Medical Problems of Professional Woodwind and Brass Players.]
(Jun-94) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Une enquête sur la pathologie des instrumentistes à vent professionnels: Comparaison des cuivres et des bois [A Comparative Investigation of the Medical Problems of Professional Woodwind and Brass Players]
(Jun-94) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Woodwind and Brass Players
(Mar-04) Medical Problems of Performing Artists