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Articles with the "dystonia" keyword


Copyright 2025, Mark Alan Wade

Please choose an article from the list.

A New Method for Quantification of Musician's Dystonia: The Frequency of Abnormal Movements Scale
(Dec-05) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

AAEM Minimonograph #43: Neuromuscular Problems in the Performing Arts
(Jun-94) Muscle & Nerve

Acute Nose-Blow Palsy: A Pneumatic Variant of Sudden Facial Paralysis
(Nov-87) New England Journal of Medicine

Anxiety as an Aggravating Factor during Onset of Focal Dystonia in Musicians
(Jun-04) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Approche psychologique de la dystonie de fonction chez les musicians. [A Psychological Approach to Focal Dystonia in Musicians.]
(Mar-99) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Ask the Doctor: Focal Dystonia
(2003) The Double Reed

Bilan fonctionnel du musicien dans les dystonias [Functional Assessment of Musicians with Focal Dystonia]
(Mar-99) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Botunlinum Toxin Injections in the Treatment of Musician's Dystonia
(Jan-05) Neurology

Brass: Bell's Palsy - Part One
(Sep-00) Canadian Musician

Brass: Bell's Palsy - Part Two
(Nov-00) Canadian Musician

Bromocriptine for Horn Player's Palsy
(Jun-83) Lancet

Clinical Analysis of Musicians' Focal Hand Dystonia. Review of 86 Cases
(Apr-05) Neurologia

Current Controversies on the Origin, Diagnosis and Management of Focal Dystonia
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician

Dystonia in Musicians
(Jun-89) Seminars in Neurology

Dystonia: A Trumpeter's Story
(Mar-02) ITG Journal

Dystonia: Etiology, Clinical Features, and Treatment

Dystonic Syndromes
(1988) Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders

Dystonies cervico-faciales chez le joueurs professionnels d'instruments à vent. [Cervicofacial Dystonias in Professional Wind Instrument Players.]
(Mar-99) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

EMG Characterization of Embouchure Muscle Activity: Reliability and Application to Embouchure Dystonia
(Mar-05) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Embouchure Dystonia: An Under-recognized Cause of Performance Impairment in Brass Players
(1999) The Horn Call

Examen d'un musicien chez qui l'on soupçonne une dystonie de fonction: Étude basée sur plus de 500 cas. [Examination of a Musician Suspected of Having a Focal Dystonia: A Study Based on More Than 500 Cases.]
(Mar-99) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Excessive Practicing May Cause Muscle Tremors, Focal Dystonia
(Sep-02) The Instrumentalist

Feedback: Dystonia: Separating Fact from Fancy
(Aug-02) International Musician

Focal Dystonia (Occupational Cramp)
(1993) The Musician's Survival Manual: A Guide to Preventing and Treating Injuries in Instrumentalists

Focal Dystonia - A Neurological Disorder Affecting Musicians
(Oct-01) International Musician

Focal Dystonia in Instrumentalists: Clinical Features
(Dec-91) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Focal Dystonia in Musicians
(Nov-06) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America

Focal Dystonia: Advances in Brain Imaging and Understanding of Fine Motor Control in Musicians
(Aug-03) Hand Clinics

Focal Peripheral Neuropathies in Instrumental Musicians
(Nov-06) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America

Focal Task-Specific Dystonia Induced by Peripheral Trauma
(Mar-00) Movement Disorders

Focal Task-Specific Dystonia in Musicians
(2004) Advances in Neurology, Dystonia 4

French Horn Embouchure Dystonia
(Jan-99) Movement Disorders

Horn Stuttering
(1992) Journal of Fluency Disorders

How to Resolve Dystonias: A Movement Perspective
(Jul-02) International Musician

La crampe des musiciens: Traitement par injections de toxine botulique. [Musicians' Cramp: Treatment with Injections of Botulinum Toxin.]
(1995) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Long-Term Outcome of Focal Dystonia in Instrumental Musicians
(2004) Advances in Neurology, Dystonia 4

Medical Issues: Focal Embouchure Dystonia and Musicians: Some Current Thoughts and Concerns about Treatment
(Feb-06) The Horn Call

Musician's Dystonia
(2005) Neurology

Musician's Focal Dystonia
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician

Musicians with Focal Dystonia: A Report of 58 Cases Seen during a Ten-year Period at a Performing Arts Medicine Clinic
(Dec-95) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Musicians' Cramp: Instrumental and Gender Differences
(Mar-03) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Occupational Cramps/Focal Dystonias
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician

Pinched Nerves: Spinal, Ulnar, and Carpal
(Feb-04) The Horn Call

Prolonged Rehabilitation Treatment of Musician's Focal Dystonia
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician

Review of 113 Musicians with Focal Dystonia Seen Between 1985 and 2002 at a Clinic for Performing Artists
(2004) Advances in Neurology, Dystonia 4

Sensory Mapping of Lip Representation in Brass Musicians with Embouchure Dystonia
(Apr-04) Neuroreport

Some Embouchure Problems of Horn Players: Overuse Injury and Focal Embouchure Dystonia
(Feb-04) The Horn Call

Task-Specific Dystonia in a Horn Player
(Jan-01) Movement Disorders

The Horn Player and Ockham's Razor
(Jul-98) Psychiatrische Praxis

The Natural History of Embouchure Dystonia
(Sep-01) Movement Disorders

To Your Health - Musicians Cramp: An Update on Focal Dystonia
(Dec-06) International Musician

Traitement des dystonies de fonction des musiciens par une rééducation prolongée [Treatment of Focal Dystonias by Extended Rehabilitation]
(Jun-01) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Treatment of Musician's Cramp with Botulinum Toxin
(Dec-91) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Wenn sich einer den Nerv durchgeblasen hat
(1994) Brass Bulletin

When the Virtuosos Bump into Their Art
(Apr-05) Neurologia